The home of the King of Jungle The Asiatic Lion, Sasan Gir (populary known as Gir Forest National Park) is famous around the world. This is located in the Western Indian State of Gujarat. Roughly 2000 Square Kilometers of protected area is surrounded by Somnath, Amreli and Junagad. Through long running protection programs the number of lions have reached a satisfactory level of 523.
When in Gir there are many wildlife related activities for the tourists. The tourists can visit the Gir Crocodile Rearing Centre; the Gir Interpretation Centre provides a short cut where you can see plenty of animals including lions though not completely in wild surroundings.
Being a Forest National Park there are no Airports or Railway Stations in Gir itself. The Closest airport is roughly 90 Km away however, tourists generally come to Diu by Air then drive down to this park. The nearest railway station is in the town called Verval. You can also reach Sasan Gir by road from Junagad or Ahmedabad.
The best season to visit Sasan Gir is December to April. That is when the King of Jungle shows up sunning frequently and the temperatures are manageable for the tourists as well.